Thursday, April 23, 2015

Why should you join and or support the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

I have been retired from teaching for a couple of years.  I keep in touch with my field because I love what it stands for and good that it creates in our communities, schools and homes.
Family and Consumer Sciences was 100 years old in 2009.  It began with roots of Science in the home.  It has gone through many transitions of highs and lows.

In the past few years the national organization has struggled with membership and keeping it.  During that time obesity prevention has become a national issue and many who have not realized that "Home Ec" has never died but changed its name have called for "Home Ec" to come back.

This call for bringing back Home Ec and what I will now refer to as FACS has caused a shortage of FACS teachers in almost every state.  So, while many professional have been fighting to keep their jobs at the same time we have had a shortage due to bringing back FACS.

It is hard to understand how these two things can be happening at one time but it is and it is ironic.

FACs teachers have so much going on in organizing and helping others that they sometimes forget to help themselves.

Two young women that have just recently entered the field of FACS have started two separate Facebook pages dedicated to Family and Consumer Sciences.  These Facebook pages have made it possible for educators to work together and help each other, console each other and share cooperatively about their field.  There are countless testimonies about how wonderful these Facebook tools have enriched and inspired FACs educators.

If you are one of the many educators that have been apart of these Facebook pages and are not a member of AAFCS please think about joining this organization.  Imagine going to a conference and working with others just like you to better your field and share.  Take time to understand the organization and what it has to offer FACs professionals like you.  Be aware of your professional group and participate in its body of work.

Below you will find a link to AAFCS

here is a link to the membership page of AAFCS:

As group of educators Family and Consumer Sciences has been through many ups and downs and ins and outs.  It is important that we support each other and the organization's leadership as a group with strength.  If you are a member of AAFCS please remember to keep it up to date and participate by volunteering and working with your national, state and local group.  If you are not a member please consider being a part of the organization and support its work.

The history is rich and the future is promising.

With love from your retired FACS teacher.
