Saturday, October 17, 2015

Fall brings a close to many things for me personally but a few new beginnings too.

I have had an interesting fall.

My husband and his brothers share the love for traveling on motorcycles.  This fall we traveled with two brothers to visit another two brothers.  Yes, there are 5 of them in all.  We traveled from Minnesota to Virginia.  It was a wild adventure and while riding on our many day trips near our nations capital I was often with just the guys.  Thank goodness for my sister in law who made and served us breakfast and supper each day along with a little girl time.

But as much fun, beauty and history as I had while traveling my father's youngest brother died from his 5 year battle with cancer, due to agent orange.  He did not want to leave and he fought harder than anyone I have ever seen battling cancer.  He expressed himself so beautifully in his writing while going through his struggles.  Although I have not had a great deal of contact with him and his family in the last few years his writing made me realize that we all should embrace each moment with a zest like there is no tomorrow.

My husband and I visited him this winter, for just a day, but I am so happy that we got to spend time with him and his wife before he left us.  While in Virginia we took a plane to Florida and said good-bye with our family to celebrate his life.

Upon return from our trip I took on a job in a grocery store as a bakery clerk.  Many have asked why. Frankly, I am not sure, but I had been going a bit crazy just sewing in my house with no one to talk to.  Although I really enjoy the work it is much more physical than I had realized and hope that I can maintain my schedule.  Also, being a FACS professional and having taught culinary arts and commercial cooking and baking, I fear, I know too much.  How does a person that managed a classroom, a little bakery and a shop really learn to keep her mouth shut? The answer, "IT is impossible."  And so you see, my experience, and big mouth, are a bit of a hindrance.  We shall see how the next few weeks go.  I am hoping to go to work and just enjoy my interaction with others.  But, no matter what the outcome, what a great behind the scenes experience in a high volume store that still bakes everything from scratch.

Four of the brothers and me ready for a day out in Virginia

Four of the brothers in Blue ridge mountains in a national park

My uncles family saying "goodbye"

With love from your retired FACS teacher,

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