Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Random rambling, about food, from a former FACS teacher, now a sub with out a job, today!

This past week end the number one son and his girl visited our home.  I always love their visits. 

There are many reasons but several of them are:

1.  Grown up children are pretty darn enjoyable.
2.  He comes with a girl.  (I have been in the land of testosterone for a long time.)
3.  The girl and I have common interests.
4.  We all just enjoy our time with each other.

Number one's girl seems to have been raised in a family vary similar to ours.  She loves to bake, cook, sew, knit and do crafty kinds of things.  For this I am very grateful to her Mom for exposing her to these things and I "hope" she becomes a family member someday.  (Not a hint but a declaration.)

She was looking at my cookbooks during a lull on Saturday.  I showed her a cookbook I had from my Dad's mom and the pages were never turned.  Then I showed her my Mom's, Mom's cookbook and my Mom's cookbook and you could not read the tabs on them.  She laughed.  Then she took the unused cookbook and paged through the recipes. 

She found a couple of recipes and said, with a question in her voice, "What is tomato aspic?"  She proceeded to read a couple of other recipes that included gelatin and said, "Shrimp and shredded carrots in gelatin?" 

I started laughing, explained these foods to her and together we decided that the world is fine with out these foods any more. 

I have made "Tomato Aspic" once.  It was a college lab.  Personally I thought it was ridiculous and knew that I would never make it again and would choose to never teach that lesson in a high schools. 

There have been occasions when I have done some fine dining and found some sort of aspic on the menu but I have never ordered it. 

Thinking about these foods I realize that after the war, the 50's and 60's really brought on the beginning of technology and food.  We started looking at food and how we could make it easier to prepare.  This processing, in my opinion, is what has gotten us into some trouble with obesity. 

I am not declaring that every food coming from a large company is bad, but there are a great deal of them that are not good for us. 

All this recipe discussion led me to thinking about foods that you might be familiar with, that you think we no longer need around, and would never miss.  What are some of those foods for you?  And just maybe, you have a story about that food to share.

With love from your former FACS teacher.  Jane

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