Sunday, March 23, 2014

Reusable sandwich/storage bags. I have finally gotten on the bandwagon.

Since I have retired from education a bit early I have been doing many things.  One of them is making things to sell on ETSY.  I know most of my readers know what ETSY is but if you do not, it is a site to sell art, crafts and homemade items to the general public.  If you think that it is a good way to make extra money please let me say that wealth does not come fast or easy.  I have been doing this for one year in April.  It takes a while for people to know that you are out there selling things, and for customers to trust you and your products.  I started doing mostly baby blankets and quilts.  To give you an example of the competition....there are approximately 40,000 baby and lap quilts on ETSY for sale.
Occasionally I make special order items.  I have adult inseam snap, elastic waist pants that get quite a few hits.  The length is never right so people order these specially.
I have not made more money than I have spent on supplies.  Typical.  The person that took my former position is always giving me ideas to make for my ETSY site.  The other day she had reusable bags on her desk.  I was thrilled as I have quite a bit of this water proof fabric and I needed some quick things to make with it.  PUL fabric is water proof, food safe but it breathes.  It was used mostly for diaper covers when it first came out. 
I like these fold over bags for reusing because the sewing is on the outside of the bag and the thread does not interact with the food. 
To wash these you turn them inside out and put them in your dishwasher or washing machine and then let them air dry.
If you are interested in seeing any of the items from my ETSY shop here is the link.  It is also on my blog.
With love from your retired FACS teacher, Using up a lot of time but not supporting myself.  Having fun as always.  Jane

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