Thursday, September 17, 2015

Women Unite! Let us change the installation of the giant bathroom toilet paper dispensers.

I have been thinking about this for several years and never discuss it because I always have hope that someone will fix this horrible issue.  Not a world problem but half of our population has this issue.

Ever since public restrooms have gone from regular paper dispensers to the giant ones I have said, "Men have done this and they don't get it."  They are installed TO LOW! 

In my imagination I see instructions that say mount blank inches from the floor.  Then the installers look at each other and say, "hummm measure from the bottom or top to the floor?  Let's go with top.   So, everytime we ladies need a piece of toilet tissue, we have to crouch over to the height of a 3 year old. 

Industry experts in public bathroom design, PLEASE hear me when I say, "this is so annoying." I can't believe I am the only female out there wishing for someone to change the toilet paper dispenser instructions so that it easier to access for those that use it everytime they sit.  

We don't stand so please listen or maybe sit down and check it out sometime.   It is wrong!

With love from your retired FACS teacher, Jane

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