Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thanksgiving: I Am thankful I have time but planning ahead helps.

Every year many have anxiety of getting ready for holiday entertaining.  I like to plan a head and use my freezer.  One of those plan ahead items can be your pie crust.
I use a simple crust recipe.  Many rave about it but it is not the ingredients but the method of assembly. 

This recipe makes 4 crusts.  See pictures below for freezing and you tube for blending.
4 cups flour
1 1/3 cups butter or shortening
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
10 to 16 tablespoons water

Using a pastry blender  (key) cut the fat into the flour until it is pea size chunks.

Then add about 10 tablespoons water using a tablespoon.  Using a pastry blender again incorporate the water.  If you need more add more. The pie crust should stick together when squished with your fingers.   It should be somewhat moist but not sticky.

Divide into four chunks.

Flour surface.  Roll.  Fold crust in fourths.  Tuck excess under.  Flute.

To freeze:  place wax or parchment paper in crusts, wrap in plastic.

If you want to garnish your pie with cutouts.  Cut from leftover dough and place on wax or parchment at the top of your crusts.

Let the cut outs thaw before pulled off and use a pancake turner to take them off of the paper.
Have a great holiday and plan ahead.

This works because the pastry blender coats the flour with fat.  When water is added it only absorbs into the exposed flour which creates the flaky crust. 

Link to making a pie crust with pastry blender:  This is apple but it is good for all pie crust.
I have switched to butter because it is a more natural fat.

faze two and three for apple pie:



Have a great holiday and plan ahead.
With love from your retired FACS teacher, Jane

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