Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Yeah "GMA" for bringing FACS/Home Economics up but why is it that so many don't really know what it is?

Family and Consumer Sciences was on the "Jury's Out" discussion on the Good Morning America Show, October 2, 2013.  It made me happy to see the topic but also sad that the conversation focused on the subject being too simple and easy to be educational coursework.

The fact that our society is filled with children that are overweight, children that love junk food, children that have only known processed food is a real testament to the need of FACS.  The subject needs to be continually addressed in our schools.  The food issue that we face is just one example of the importance of Family and Consumer Sciences.

The list of helpful course work is long but here are just a couple of topics.

Parenting and Child Development
Personal Finance and Consumerism
Housing and Fashion Design (Which are skills for industry)
Culinary and Food Preparation

and we could go on......

Thanks GMA for putting the topic in the public eye, please keep the important discussion going.  I fear that although you had some great points looking through the eyes of an educated panel, of privileged folks, might not be a realistic perspective.  As FACS professionals, in public schools, we see many children that do not get information on topics that some may deem common sense that one can learn at home.  Until you step into an educational setting with "real" students from all walks of life it is very difficult for the GMA panel to make an adequate judgment. 

I do appreciate that most of the panel said "yes" to FACS I sure hope that we can get it "out there" that FACS is more than etiquette.  Keep the discussion rolling. 

Below is the link to the clip from the show.

With Love from Your retired FACS teacher, Jane


  1. Well said, as a current 23 year career FCS teacher, I can't think of more important courses that schools should offer. Some people need to get a clue as to what FCS is all about.

  2. What you have said is so very true. I have been a teacher of FCS for the last 29 years and we teach so much more than just cooking or sewing. It is so hard to get others to understand the concept that we are preparing our students for future careers, for a healthy lifestyle, for future jobs, and for many other skills that prepare our students to be out in the workforce and society. I teach in deep South Texas and I feel that many of those skills such as budgeting, childcare, preparing healthy meals, and other subjects are not taught to our students by anyone. Health, for example is not a required subject anymore and our students don't get this information anywhere else.
