Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sometimes Busy People Get more work done. Are you ready for the AAFCS conference?

I am excited about the national AAFCS conference but I am worried that I may forget something.  This week before the conference is insane busy and so are the weeks following!

Monday:  Bookwork for our business
Tuesday:  Meeting with a family to get the flowers ordered for their wedding in August....yes I do floral arranging too.
Wednesday:  Photo shoot for Pringle Bagpipes new product line.
Thursday:  Catch up on FACS items, pack for the week-end and next week.
Friday:  Drive to Chicago for Scottish festival where we will be doing our first show with our Pringle product line.
Saturday:  Scottish fair and show
Sunday:  Drive home, do bookwork, finish packing.
Monday:  Organize all for conference.  Pack for vacation.
Tuesday:  Fly out for conference, meet cousins, organize for conference
Wednesday:  Excursion.
Thursday:  Present
Friday:  Silent auction, ESAE
Saturday:  Leave from St. Louis to San Francisco for motorcycle vacation

And the list goes on.  Do you think that I will be able to relax for our vacation?  Do you think that my brain will turn off and I will be able to focus on fun?

I hope so, my husband and I both need it!

But let's move back to the conference.

I will be presenting information on using social media to promote programs.  I hope that you visit Ashley Davis and I as we talk about the many ways to use technology in your work.  This is Thursday at 3 p.m.

I would also like to bring up the idea of a "Family and Consumer Sciences Day".  The Public Policy group contacted me about this idea. 

There are several items that I listed that need to be worked on with in the organization to make this happen.  I think it is a great idea and I hope that there are members interested in pursuing this concept, "full speed ahead".

This is the quick 10 point list that I have put together. 

Public Awareness:  National Family and Consumer Sciences Day/Week Proposal.
1.      Promote through all FACS entities with in the FACS family and in AAFCS, (FCCLA, HERO, Extension/4-H, HEIB, FDA, Restaurant Association, Local and national politicians, etc.)

2.      Choose a day and a week.  Suggested day:  Ellen Richards Birthday. December 3 OR Day Home Economics was started, OR Coincide with conference time in June.

3.      Encourage story writing about programs and strengths of the FACS field in business and education.  (All included, especially those that think they are “just doing their job.”!

4.      Use these stories to and send them to media outlets throughout the United States and national media.

5.      Encourage participation with small rewards.

6.      Prepare talking points for members and other FACS outlets to use for publicity.

7.      Make this a “STAR” event in FCCLA.

8.      Be Inclusive to all FACS professionals, not exclusive.

9.      Involve “Taking it to the Streets”

10.   Find sponsors for funding such as Restaurant Association, Publishers, Food companies, Nutrition companies, Weight of the Nation, etc.
Because of the list of things that I have to do everyday now that I am retired....ha, ha, I have decided to step down as chair of public awareness.  I am hoping that there is someone out there that is as passionate about Family and Consumer Sciences as I am to work on this project.
I believe that because so many think that Home Economics is gone we should use Home Ec as part of our promotion.  As one of our FACS staff pointed out Home Ec is no longer thought of as a domestic taboo. 
If you have any ideas or thoughts please comment on this site or contact me with those ideas.

Below is a sarcastic little thought that I want to scream when I see article about bringing back Home Economics...but on the other hand I DO appreciate that people are thinking about my profession and understand the value and importance of what we teach.

Let's bring back Family and Consumer Sciences into the public eye....Now!

Have a great conference, hope to see you there!

With Love, Your Retired FACS Teacher, Jane

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of a Family and Consumer Sciences Day! In Kansas, we had our first "FCS Day on the Hill" at our state's capital this year!!! What a big Success! - FCS teachers, students, and FCCLA members showcased their work and visited with legislators. GREAT Day! I had students compete in the Promote & Publicize STAR Event, which includes a little public advocacy, but of course the Advocacy one does too. I hope to have someone interested in Advocacy this year. We're at a great location - just about an hour from Topeka!
