Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Can the internet be changing everything, including my profession and how we interact with others? Go to a Conference.....Really!


Yes, it is and I am not sure that this is right.

I am preparing for Minnesota's annual conference in northern Minnesota.  The organizer sent me information about attendance because I was curious.  I have cut back on my involvement because I am no longer in the classroom but I am still very interested in "keeping things alive and active."

The numbers for registration are down for our state and I believe on the national level.  I realize that people are busy with their careers, their personal lives, the costs often come out of our pocket and it is expensive.

But I would like FACS teachers as a whole to look at the good that comes from the conferences.  The number ONE thing, the interaction with people!

The Facebook page for Family and Consumer Sciences officially has over 4000 members.  This is a wonderful thing!  There is not a day that the page isn't buzzing with pictures, information and questions.  It is an amazing tool for all FACS teachers.  It helps everyone stay fresh, save time and be creative.

I hope that the good that comes from this page does not hinder the wonder that comes from personal contact and "live" conversation.  I have met some of the most wonderful people in my life through FACS conferences.  These contacts have remained friends and will always be cherished.

Besides my good friends, I have made business contacts, had the opportunity to speak on a local and national level to share my work and the work of teams that I have been a part of on all levels.

My point, yes the Internet is a wonderful tool.  Yes, we can collaborate from all places on line and get things accomplished.  But we do not have the people interaction that all of us need!

The next time you think you don't need to have interaction with your FACS people; think of the couple on a date, not talking to each other, both looking at their phones for validation from an outside source instead of each other.

.......Go to a conference, see your people.

With love from you retired FACS teacher, Jane

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