Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What to do when the grey sky makes you blue?

Some of you living in areas with extreme heat may not understand this post.  In the Midwest we have experienced the slowest, longest development of summer in years.  It is so bad that when we see a tiny little chunk of blue sky, under the grey clouds, when we look out the window, we get excited.  I found myself saying to my husband the other day, "Look, there is blue in the sky." 

My friend that is a flight attendant just got on a plane the other day, on her day off, and flew anywhere for the day just so that she could be in the sun. 

We don't all have flight benefits to fix our gloom but hopefully if you are a parent, in the Midwest, you are finding ways to keep your kids happy and entertained.  Obvious ideas are Crafty things, running in the rain, baking, or enclosed activity centers. 

In the Midwest we wait for summer, live life to the fullest, and enjoy every moment of the warm and the sun.  We are outdoors people!  Last year my husband and I were out on our motorcycle in March.  This year our first long ride was June 9th.  Yikes!  I also found myself saying, "let's take the bike it is just drizzling." We keep hoping for dry time and our optimism is turning into sarcastic humor about the summer that may never be.

As I type this there is a roaring thunder in the background and I feel sad for those that are farming for a living and have not been able to plant their crops.  June 10 was the deadline for crops to get in the ground and mature fully in the Midwest.  It makes me know and understand that my little grey gloom is nothing compared to the sadness of not being able to plant your crop so that you can sustain yourself and family for the year.

What makes you happy on a grey day?  What do you do to keep yourself busy so that you don't feel sorry for yourself?

I am heading for the sewing machine.  My sewing room is my happy place.  Even if my son says it looks like a fabric store threw up in my sewing room.  I'm so tired of the weather I might even pick it up in-between my creating. 

With love from your early retired FACS teacher, Jane

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