Thursday, May 1, 2014

It is not easy to lose weight....But I am trying! Confessions from the heart

When I retired I decided it was time to take my promise to myself seriously.  I had always said I will lose weight when my kids are gone.  Well, let's face it, I got a slow start.  My son's are 25 and 26.

Last June when I took my early retirement I made a commitment to exercise at least 4 day's a week.  I have been keeping that up and most often exercising 5 day's a week.  The thing did not do much for me weight wise.  In fact it did nothing for me. 

I created the class Healthy living at North High school while I was there, and I always addressed my weight by discussing my lack of metabolism.  Although the numbers from my blood test are always on the edge reaching the mid 50's for a woman, compiled with goiter makes things tough.  I know I was using this as an excuse.  I was also on the "Taking it to the Streets" team addressing obesity for AAFCS.  I was always the fat one on the conference call.  I remember someone saying, "Often overweight people don't see themselves as overweight when they look in the mirror."  I always bit my tongue when I heard that because I do see myself, and trust me it is not a thin person. 

I know that I have always eaten healthy but I will admit I like to indulge in sweet and salty items.  I do not do this on a regular basis but when I do, I do it with flare. 

Recently I started cutting more sugar, more carbs and counting calories.  I really thought that the weight would fall off because I am really following my plan.  I am hungry and that is o.k. I want results.  But man it is not easy.  I lost quite a bit of weight in the late 90's.  While teaching I gained that weight and more.  (60 pounds). 

I know logically that it will happen over time just like I gained weight over time.  But it is hard to keep that follow through and while not seeing many results.  Yet, I know that I will be much happier with myself cutting back and changing my look. 

I know exactly when I got off the wagon.  It was while I was in grad school, teaching advanced foods, reinventing that curriculum and my boys in grade school.  I told myself it was ok to taste my students food "just a little bit".  Then it got to be more and more and I slowly packed it on.  Because I AM a stress eater. 

It is going to take me longer to lose it this time, and sometimes I am going to fall off....but hopefully I can forgive myself and get back to the plan.  My stress is lower, my life is pretty darn peaceful, and I have to care about myself enough to let go of that comfort food that I have embraced for a long time.

For those of you that struggle with the same issues.  Your time will come and you can only do it when you are ready.  I think I am ready this time.

The hard part for us "FACS people"  is that we know nutrition and we can probably help everyone but follow through for ourselves is hard.  One source that I am using is  I do not normally endorse product but this counts my exercise and food. It is easy and I can do it on my phone.  If you have been struggling look it up and try it.

With love from your retired FACS teacher.


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