Friday, April 5, 2013

Take Time for Yourself

I am a firm believer in quality time for yourself and if you in a relationship, time for each other.

I have been married for 27 years in November and trust me it has not all been wine and roses.  But, I do have to say I like my husband and he likes me.

One of the things that I really remember from our marriage course back in the dark ages was the simple advice,  "Do things together."

When you are first married there never seems to be enough money for anything.  Those dates might have been a walk or a picnic but we have always had time for each other.  It is important to put each other first and make each other your first family!  Presently we are in the stage of life where the kids are grown, out of the house, and not married.  No grand kids to worry about and a great deal of fun time on our hands.  We are taking advantage of it!  But, don't be envious because time will go very quickly and you will wonder what happened to all of those years.  Soak them in, because looking back will never be the same as the moment that you are standing in right now.  My husband uses a cheezy saying from an old song but I think that it is true.  "These are the good old days."

Besides spending time with your spouse try to take a few minutes a day for yourself.  Juggling laundry, cooking, work, exercise and children is hard. If you have a hobby give yourself time to do that hobby.  I have many hobbies but when my kids were young I often stayed up late sewing because that was the only time I could carve out of my schedule and get something done.

Don't have a hobby, Read books!  It is relaxing, simple and increases your vocabulary.  I never read until the 1990's when a bunch of neighbors started a book club.  I joined just to be a part of the group.  Once I started reading I could not stop.  I read 2 or 3 books a week.  Sick, I KNOW!

This reading lead me to another hobby that I never thought I would do.  That is write.  One of my friends wanted a man in her life and so I wrote her one for her birthday in the form of a book.  That story lead to self publishing which is great fun and a check on my bucket list.  Even though the novel is never going to be on any book list it has been a great experience and I am even working on a sequel.  See, you are never too old to start something new.

Here is a shameless plug with a link to my book, available on Amazon, hard copy or kindle.

With love from your FACS teacher,


Below is a picture from one of our bike trips.  This was our trip to the "Great Smokey Mountains"
We do have fun!

1 comment:

  1. For you folks in Germany and UK my book is on the Europe edition of Amazon too. Jane
