Wednesday, April 17, 2013

There was a time when Family and Consumer Sciences was viewed as a purely domestic field with very little relevance in the business community.  It was associated with only cooking, sewing, and raising babies.

I feel bad about that stigma because during those times there were some very creative, strong women that didn't know how to hone or share their talents.

My Mother and mother-in-laws (my mother in law is an identical twin) were born during the same year.  All three of them were incredible seamstresses.  I grew up thinking sewing was a creative way to express yourself and a great way to save money. 

My mom is gone but my mother-in-laws are still around.  They saved many of the garments that they made and they are incredible designs and works of art.  They rarely used patterns because that was extra money.  They are tailored and sewed with technique one wouldn't believe.  Those two ladies were orphans at the age of 16 and have some incredible stories just about making their clothes because fashion was very important to them.  My favorite is the one were one of them had a date, and needed a new dress so they made one out of the shower curtain in their rental unit.  I wish they still had that one!

My point is, if children want to be involved in the fashion industry they need to know these skills and they should be introduced to them in high school.  I think comprehensive high schools are so much more important that those filled solely with academics.  Giving children a chance to find their passion is so important for individual growth.   I always say if you want to design clothes you must know how to put them together. 

These skills are not just domestic they are technical and they are needed for the fashion industry.

I have several former students involved in fashion and I am proud to say that they are doing well and the skills that they started with helped them ease into their higher education.

I love sewing and fabric.  Designing anything with fabric is just fun for me. 

Here is a link to my Etsy website.  Another shameless plug.

With love from your FACS teacher, Jane

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