Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Take Time and a Breakfast tart to freeze for quick morning meals.

I know that I am an advocate for families eating together and for families to cook and make meals from scratch but there is a but in there.

Please don't make your self a prisoner in your own home.  Don't let yourself think that everything has to be perfect all of the time.  I personally believe that is a sure fire way to just make yourself down right crazy.

Hints:  When you do have time to make a meal make it a double.  (No, not the drink you might be having.) Make the meal big enough for two times and freeze half of it for a later date.  When you make pasta make enough for another date.  You can freeze pasta and use it in a salad or just run it under hot water and then boil it for a minute or two again for hot items.

But do try as hard as you can, not to make "boxed" products.  Use your own seasonings and spices for meals to create your own version of "helper" type box meals.  Find a couple of simple recipes on line that you can rotate for meals for your family.  It is really important for children to learn to eat what is in front of them and not think everything comes from a menu or a take out bag. 

The recipe below is great to make ahead of time and then freeze for individual servings in the morning when the family is on the run.  These are SO much better than a pop tart or processed frozen item.

It is also a quick healthy meal for those nights you just can not cook. 

Breakfast tarts



1.    Spray or grease muffin tins (about 12)

2.    Spoon a thin (1/4"), even layer of breadcrumbs into the bottom of each tin.

3.    In a medium sized mixing bowl, crack open all four eggs, and add the milk and beat.

4.    Once all other ingredients are adequately chopped, diced and/or minced, place in a separate bowl from eggs and mix. Add salt and pepper to taste.

5.    Spoon out so that each tart gets a fairly even amount of all ingredients and then pour the egg mixture over each one until they are even and the mixture is gone.

6.    Let the tarts sit a while as this will allow the egg mixture to seep into the bread crumbs and seal the "crust".

7.     Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Bake for 5-9 minutes until egg is solid. 

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