Thursday, August 1, 2019

Day 10: A visit to Amherst on our Motorcycle trip from MN to SC. A beautiful place!

Our trip has been so fantastic.  Today we left Nova Scotia and we did not have enough time to really do what we wanted to.  We took country roads to Amherst, NS.  A charming community rich with history.  

The owner of Mrs Pugsley's Emporium had historical artifacts in her shop and was a wealth of information about her community.  She herself is a pharmacist by trade.  She owns the historical building her shop is in and has renovated the building too.

She has a broad selection of fabrics.  Batiks, nautical, Canadian themed, East coast themed, floral, contemporary themes and more.  She has an excellent/huge assortment of solids and a great selection of patterns.  There are quilting notions tucked in several places in the shop.  

I recommend this shop.  It is fun unique with several display pieces from a local barber shop among other antique display pieces.

This is the building the shop is housed in, red sandstone from the area.

If you have a request they can ship!  One last thing, the bags are SEW cute.  Each bag has a small fabric quilt square decorating the bag.  Hand done! ♡

The area is also known for its wool yarns used in knitting and rugs.  She mentioned that Kaffe and Brandon were there several years ago for a knitting workshop and visited her shop.  [They did not find their own designs :-)]

Quilters are a fantastic bunch, every chat I have had has made me feel like I have a new friend.  Onto the states where I will be finding a large box to ship my fabric home so that I can start filling the bike again!

With love from your retired FACs teacher, Jane

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